How we can protect our environment from pollution?

How we can protect our environment from pollution?

Nowadays, there are many sources of pollution. Many hazardous chemicals are used to manufacture products. Bi products are increasing in numbers and causing environmental pollutions. It is the need of the hour to reduces the production of these non-biodegradable products. We have to move towards sustainable manufacturing processes.

What is Sustainability?

Sustainability consists of 3 pillars. The 3R of sustainability are Reduce, Reuse & Recycle.


We have to optimize the use of things as per requirements. Reduction of usage is mainly related to using natural as well as manmade resources when there is a great need for them. Avoid use in excess.


This parameter deals with the reuse of products. Use the product until it completely damaged. For example, some people have a number of clothes to wear. But they can survive with 3 to 4 clothes only. That they can rewash and use until completely damaged. In some countries of the world, there are stores available that deal with used products to protect the environment from the use of overflow.


The products can be recycled and reused. There are many Plants in Pakistan, which are working on recycling of cotton to produce regenerated cotton fabrics.


some volunteer work to clean up our environment from waste is required every time. This will also build up a sense of helping ours that will result in positive attitudes and also help to be happy and healthy.


People around us need to educate about the impacts of modern lifestyle on our environment. These educational programs will help to develop our social culture.

Conserve water:

Water nowadays is shortening. We have to save our water and develop the habits of less use of water.

Shop wisely:

Plastic is never everlasting material on earth. Which causes a very degree of environmental pollution. While shopping, we have to shop less plastic.

Use long-lasting light bulbs:

The use of long-lasting light bulbs will reduce global warming and save our lives from severe environmental conditions. Also, turn off the lights when you leave.

Plant a tree:

Tree planting should be practice multiple times in life. 
These trees provide many benefits like food, Oxygen, source of furniture & shades.

Don't send chemicals into our waterways:

Avoid sending waste into water and treat the water after its use.


Use public transport rather than your personal transportation. It will save your money and environment from toxic gases.
If you have any queries, ask it in a comment below.


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