How to choose a career?

How to choose a career? What are the steps, I need to follow to choose a career?
When Someone starts thinking about selecting a career, these questions come to his/her mind. These are the most important queries which a youngblood asks himself before starting his professional education. Nowadays societies in the world are going to advance. Technology is changing and upgrading day by day. Educational systems are changing to great limits by the effects of technology. The modernization concept is expanding.
However, modern lifestyle impacts on the environment and behaviors of people are more. Artificial intelligence helping in many medical fields. But still, there is a need to answer these questions on how to choose a career.

Many countries in the world are developing their career counseling institutes to solve this problem. This type of vocational guidance was started by Frank Parsons, in 1907 the first time in the history of the world to help people to choose their careers.

What is a Career?

“A Career is an occupation selected by an individual to progress in life.”

How to Choose a Career?

There are 8 different steps you need to follow to choose a career. These are the following:

1.      Assess Yourself

This is the first step; you need to follow to select a career. Assess yourself is knowing more about your interests, your interpersonal skills, Soft skills, about your personality type (Whether you are introvert or extrovert). What you want to gain in your life?

How can I assess myself?

You can use any online self-assessment tools to asses yourself and your interests.

2.      Make a List of Occupations to Explore

At the stage of choosing your professional education, you had met so many people in your life. All they were from different occupations and areas of life. So, it’s very easy for you to make a list of occupations to explore the pros and cons of all occupations. You can make your occupations list according to your personality type and behavior.

3.      Explore the Occupations on Your List

Now it’s time to explore each work type briefly with its pros and cons. At this point, you need to short down your list of occupations to 10 to 20. Now, you need to search for the job description of the short-listed occupations.

4.      Create a "Short List"

Here you need to choose the most suitable jobs for your psyche. You need to shortlist 2 to 5 job roles that fit your personality and working stamina and temperament.

5.      Conduct Informational Interviews

As your list is about 2 to 5 careers. Now, you need to visit people who are already working on these job roles. Their advice and experiences will make your analysis deeper about their careers.

6.      Make Your Career Choice

After doing the complete research of job roles you need to choose a career. You need to select that job which satisfies yourself (Job satisfaction is a very important point for successful growth).

7.      Identify your goals

After jumping into a field, identify your goals. Suppose you have started your career as an MTO (Management Trainee Officer) then you must define your goals. These goals may be Short term goals (minimum 1-year durations) or long terms long goals (2 to 5 years duration).

8.      Build an Action Plan

After identifying your goals, you are here to build a strategy to achieve those goals after choosing a career. This portion will utilize your strategic planning and enhances your planning skills.

I hope this article is helpful for you to choose a career. If you have any queries ask it in the comment section below and share this knowledge with others who are still undecided about their career.


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